Will It Blend? - Funny Viral Advertising

0 Holy Milk
While browsing for some interesting digital design-related projects, I found this viral marketing for Blendtec. They mainly selling blenders, with their leading product, Total Blender. They also sold merchandise, blenders accessories and even T-shirt.

Over the past two years, their uploaded a hundred of videos that have, at the very least, made the brand famous on YouTube.

All of the videos are typical, the founder and also the current CEO of Blendtec Company, Tom Dickson is happily doing absurd experiments of blending many kind of things by his Extreme Total Blender. In the end, while smoke seeps from newly-uncapped blender lid, he will say "don't breathe this" then pour the remaining on the table. In some episode they add extra twist, making it even more wtf.

By saying many kind, I mean almost everything you cannot imagine to blend to. The show went crazy and funny at the same time. Can you imagine some oldman throwing iphone and ipad into a blender, then proudly shows us the remains? You won't see that everyday. I bet youngsters & urbanist will love it. That is also why using Youtube as media is clever and perfect.

Dickson often gives a reason for his destruction of products, such as cellular phones interrupting his show, a poor golf game, needing to update his iPod, and his grandchildren leaving their toys out (hurting his feet).

I will post some of the most interesting videos of them blending things:

iPhone 4
With special appearance of Steve Jobs himself. At this episode they also offered a contest with iphone 4 as the prize, plus, blend the winner's old phone in future episode. Err crazy.

Guess what did he do to make the pad fit to the blender :|

Glow Sticks
Light-flavored juice

Man Cave
The funniest videos!

Need more? Go check their official Youtube channel
Other blended things includes Chuck Norris, diamonds, marbles, lighter, tiki torch, GTR, Wii, Nissan GTA, even Germany, etc etc

So, screw the usual boring scripted television commercials. Uh and in some random comment I read that they even open bid for the ipad & iphone remainings at ebay! That's just plain sick haha

Source: Wikipedia

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