Asik nulis blog lagi alias lumayan rekam jejak prosesi renov kecil-kecilan yang ternyata oh man, ribet banget!

Semoga bermanfaat yeuh buat yang lagi mau ketok mejik rumah. Post ini ditulis Juli 2017, harga, keterangan barang, stock di pasaran, dll mungkin sudah berubah di kemudian hari. Yuks yuks nulis dari awal proses pertama, yaitu... memutuskan kegalauan akan apa saja yang akan direnov dan nego harga.

1. Memutuskan kegalauan akan apa saja yang akan direnov dan nego harga

Ehem, yang paling pasti membuat gue galau ya pasti harga yaa secara pasti pul-juts neh keluarnya :( :( jadi mari rencanakan dengan matang! Jadi yang akan gue rubah dari rumah gw si shabby chic ala-ala ini adalah:

Rumah gue dulu wartel, jadi gini deh depannya. Sekarang kaca dan kayunya udh super duper kusem abis ga enak diliat. Jadi mari bagian ini dihancurkan saja. Rencananya mau diubah jadi pintu kembar kanan kiri biar mewah! Apanya yg mewah, di gang-gang aja udh pada pake pintu kembar huahahah.. ketinggalan jaman bgt pokoknya!

Biar aman taro motor pagernya ditinggiin, dicat ulang dan dipasangin aksen kayu.. catnya pink, udh mulai geje bgt haha.. Ganti ah warna coklat atau item gitu pake batu alam.

Di dalam ruang tamu sendiri ada beberapa bagian yang masih pake tripleks, contohnya bagian ini; ganti pake papan gipsum

Kalo bagian ini diganti pake pintu kaca alumunium geser dan sekelilingnya ditempel bata tempel khusus buat expose dengan harapan bisa mirip kaya di pinteres-pinteres.

Setelah coba konsultasi dengan 2 tukang borongan (nantinya tukang ini bakal bawa 2-3 anak buah buat get the work done), harga yang ditawarkan adalaah:

1. Terima jadi oleh tukang A: 30jt. Makjaan pasang tampang sok cool dulu trus coba nego 20jt --> kagak dikasih

2. Tukang B, jasa aja, material semua beli sendiri: 12jt. Waktu itu agak bingung sih ngitung materialnya brp duit yak jatoh2nya jd bilang mau pikir2 dulu tp yg jelas harga ga bisa ditawar lagi, titik ga pake koma

Abis ngitung2 secara kasar, kasar banget cuma modal tokopedia sama bukalapak, disimpulkan semua harga material jumlahnyaa: 10-13jt perak. Abis itu mulai merasa tukang B adalah pilihan yang terbaique.. Ehh tapi suatu pagi tukang A datang! Dia bilang abis lebaran belom ada job jadi yaa bolelah 20jt all-in. Seipp good news malemnya langsung diskusi lagi sama tukang A dan nyokap setuju kita ganti granit lantai dan lis plafon gipsum (lisnya aja lhoo) dengan biaya tambahan 2jt, dapet bonus mindahin pintu rumah gue jadi pintu kamar kostan sebelah.

Lalu kami DP malem itu dan besoknya tukang A dateng buat ukur sana sini. Semua lancar aja sih sampe hari ke-2 (baru jg 1 hari men) tukangnya bilang nanti kalo material dateng bawa hebl dan lis gipsum lngsng dibayar aja ya. Gue yang, lhoo pak kan 22jt udah all in dealnya. Tukangnya jawab ga jelas dan gue kasitau aja, kalo yang pake biaya tambahan nanti aja ya pak, lagi kagak ada duit.

Saran sotoy: mending sebelum dp di list kerjaannya itu sama2 ttd aja, yaa biar mencegah kepusingan di masa datang. Terus kalo cari tukang sebisa mungkin right after hari raya Idul Fitri, karena tukang2nya baru balik pulkam otomatis lagi cari duid bgt dan semangat jg masih fresh abis liburan. Insyaallah kerjaannya lebih top.

Untungnya abis diomongin ama nyokap tukangnya ngeh sih itu hebl udh termasuk jd amnesianya kemudian sembuh, Tapi masalah lis gipsum ternyata emg blm termasuk di biaya tambahan 2jt itu.. hiks hiks,, Jadi inilah yg harus gw beli sendiri: granit indoor, lis gipsum, bata tempel expose, dan pintu geser alumunium.

Wadaah klo diitung2 harganya bisa 5jt sendiri itu ya :'( adoh yaudalah demi rumah ala pinteres *woelah

Mulai dibongkar buat pasang kusen.. yiha

Bersambung ke part 2

Behold the only Dinseysea park on earth, Tokyo Disneysea!

Hi again! This post will tells about Tokyo Disneysea, now when Disneyland rides and attractions are mainly for kids, then Disneysea would be devoted for kids of all ages. Located just next to the Disneyland territory, you will need to get to the Maihama train station, and continue with Disney monorail to Disneysea gate.

Upon arrival!

Entrance to the park, prepare to be away from Tokyo, taken to a world full of myth, romance, and discovery!

Disneysea parted to 7 theme ports;

 1. Mediterranean Harbor

This is the entrance, hemmed with Venice themed old buildings. The mountain there, is mt. Prometheus, located in the center of the park, just like Cinderella castle centered the Disneyland. They are also have the same height. Didn't spent much time here, just looking around while heading to the Mysterious Island.

 2. Mysterious Island

Once you go up to the Prometheus mountain, you'll be at the Mysterious Island. Inside there's a steampunk themed cave, which remind me of Atlantis movie.

We went straight to our first ride, Journey to the Center of the Earth! (ride spoiler) This ride will go through the Prometheus mountain and make it erupts.

Many objects, sounds, and decorations to keep you entertained during queue line. Journey to Center of Earth is popular, took me an hour to lining up. There's also a story about the ride, which referred as captain Nemo research basecamp.

The elevator ready to take you to the facility station below! Let the journey begin!
Tips: Pick a seat on right row :D

Even just walk around the park is irresistibly thrilling moment!

Mysterious Island at night.

 3. Mermaid Lagoon

Obviously, this goes after The Little Mermaid. All in all this part only have gentle rides. You should enter the Ariel's Grotto! There will be at least 5 rides inside the Grotto.

The Grotto is not to be missed!

 4. Arabian Coast

Agrabah themed world. Also, as a Moslem I should say they put big efforts to the details, the Masjid architectural is flawless.


Alike with the Mermaid lagoon, Arabian coast's rides are not too fully queued up. As a result I was able to try Jasmine Flying Carpet (classic aerial carousel), The Magic Lamp Theater (3-D theater featured with live performance), and Sinbad's Storybook Voyage (dark ride, boat rides throughout awesome moving dolls & various sculptures about Sinbad story).

 5. Lost River Delta

Jungle, Aztec, and ruins. This is where my most favorite ride's in, The Indiana Jones! (ride spoiler) :D It's a very thrilling rides and nausea-free, booyah!
Tips: Just pick the front seat!

Highschooler posing near Indiana Jones ride.

Beside Indiana Jones, Lost River Delta also got a roller-coaster, Raging Spirit (ride spoiler). Didn't take this ride, queue is too long. So, skipped :(

 6. American Waterfront

Truly in love with this part of the park! Resembles NYC or Old Port of Maine, in the golden age of industry. Visited this port at dusk, they just turned all the lights on, giving shimmering illumination all the way you look.

The view to Tower of Terror from electric railway.

TDS Transit Steamer Line, connecting all ports in Disneysea.

Didn't take any ride, night already got down. And Toy Story Mania (ride spoiler) is under maintenance! AGH. This is the last port of my visit, leaving one port, Port Discovery undiscovered :( Sigh. Hopefully next time.

Extra: Tom Sawyer Island

Tom Sawyer Island is part of the Mysterious Island, I reached this part at dark, the castle is beautifully lit up.

The ship has cannonball that really hurl smoke with exploding sound effect when you pull the fuse.

  1. Indiana Jones (ride spoiler), Lost River Delta
  2. Raging Spirit (ride spoiler), Lost River Delta
  3. Journey to the Center of the Earth (ride spoiler), Mistery Island 
  4. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (ride spoiler), Mistery Island
These are interesting but I didn't went to:
  1. Tower of Terror (ride spoiler), American Waterfront
  2. StormRider (ride spoiler), Port Discovery
  3. Aquatopia (ride spoiler), Port Discovery
TDS flagship rides:
  1. Toy Story Mania, American Waterfront
  2. Ariel's Grotto, Mermaid Lagoon
  3. Sinbad's Storybook Voyage/The Magic Lamp Theater, Arabian Coast
Basically, pick top 3 rides you really want to go, then choose which has the fastest waiting line between the three, then go down through your list. There's queue time info on entrance square, Mediterranean Harbor.

Transport rides:
  1. TDS Electric Railway, Port Discovery - American Waterfront. (~2.5 min)
  2. TDS Steamer Line, stop at every port, depart from Cape Cod at Lost River Delta. (~13 mins each lap)
Sorry! bad photo :(

After whole day spent for being stunned with the park ornament, decoration, special effects and going crazed by the rides, there's a Disney show, Fantasmic (full show spoiler) live in the Mediterranean Harbor, to end our Disneysea day!

The whole day closed by the Fantasmic show experience was shed my inner child tears, it's almost religious.

Altough all the dialogue and song are in Japanese, the Disney character, lasers, fountains, song, and all the special effects are so ass-kicking, I saw many Americans, whose home to the original California Fantasmic, are so jealous about TDS version of the show, :D
Every cent I spent at TDS are goddamn worthed it! Another popular park to visit in Japan is Universal Studio Japan (Osaka) and Fuji-Q Highland (Yamanashi).

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