The Stylish Blogger Award

1 Holy Milk

whoa wait, an award?
you must be kidding this blog is just 2 months old, lol

but no people, it's no joke and I feel kinda elated, haha

as the award winner, I have to do 2 things: firstly, thanked the person who awarded me. Here she is: Romy (go on give her a click :D)

and secondly, tell the world 8 things about myself. Yay thank god it's preety easy. Let's start.

1. I own a little online shop selling fancy contacts!

2. I have passion in surrealism. Tarsem Singh is my favorite director. As you known, Surreal means something dreamy-weird. It isn't scary or gory. It just too weird you will feel uncomfortable
The Namibia desert of beauty

3. I'm a cafe-latte & lemon tea addict. I hate spicy food. Love the sweet & tangy one.


5. My favorite animals are cats and horses
ahh, they look good together

6. I'm a SCRUFFY/STUBBLE BEARD fetish lolol
I'm dying right here

7. My dream house is filled with woods, trees, and pillows

8. I really enjoy watching animation movie, both 2D and 3D. Eastern or western. They always pimp my mood

hyahyah you wouldn't have guess it. Or have you.
Well you figured it all out now. Now gimme the award prize.
Unfortunately this is just for fun lol

Lately I have a new toy, it is Vocaloid. A singing synthesizer from Yamaha (converting text to digital singing voice). Since the program was made in Japan, as expected it was in Japanese and not able to sing in another language except Japanese and full of something-resembles-six-years-old-girl-cuteness or you can say, anime lol

I browsed for some English voice or maybe  lower pitch voice but still cannot find the useful one, Im still trying to make something with this fun software, tho. Maybe will post about it later with my completed project.

There is some neat Vocaloid remix I found on Youtube:

Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams (sung by Sweet Ann from Vocaloid)

Lady Gaga - Poker face (sung by Luka from Vocaloid)

You just have to install vocaloid and music syth program to remix any song. Isn't that delicious!

Moooooore like this

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